Pterygium Surgery

Envision Eye Institute
What Are Pterygiums?

Pterygium is a benign and painless non-cancerous growth that occurs on the surface of the eye. It is a fleshy, triangular-shaped lesion that arises from the conjunctiva, which is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the white part of the eyeball. 

The pterygium may develop on the cornea, which covers the iris, the colored portion of the eye. A pterygium generally starts at the nasal side of the eye and can be various colors, including red, pink, white, yellow, or gray. Pterygium can cause vision problems if it grows large enough to cover the pupil or interfere with the normal movement of the eye. In some cases, the pterygium may require surgical removal.


Patients frequently first notice pterygium because of the appearance of a lesion on their eye or due to dry, itchy irritation, tearing, or redness. Pterygium is initially detected when it affects only the conjunctiva. At this point, it is called a pinguecula. It’s referred to as a pterygium when it extends onto the cornea, and it might eventually cause blindness.

Artificial tears can be used to treat dryness and discomfort in most mild cases of pterygium. In certain situations where the patient’s vision has been compromised, we offer various surgical options as treatment. Pterygiums can be difficult to treat, and surgery is the only way to completely remove them. However, it is not a perfect solution and long-term follow-up is required, and the recurrence rate ranges from 30% to 40%.

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